All the items are handmade products and slight variation in the product is inevitable.
We pack our products with a lot of care and love so that it reaches our customers safely. However if you receive damaged or broken item then we will refund or replace the product as per the customer choice.
In both the cases, you need to contact us within 48 hours of receiving it with pictures & unboxing videos on or you can whatsapp us on +91-7351948910
All our products are non-returnable. Please visit refund & returns policy for more detail.
Orders are shipped within 1 – 3 working days.
Delivery usually occurs within 5-8 days from the date of shipment and you will receive a confirmation email with your tracking information once your order has been shipped.
Whatsapp us on +917351948910 for bulk enquiries.
Yes, oor WhatsApp no. is +917351948910
Instagram - @townofceramics
Yes, all are products are lead & harmful chemicals free.
You can prepay using Debit/Credit cards, Net Banking, Wallets or UPI.
Also, we do offer Cash on Delivery.